Donnerstag, 25.04.2024 09:25 Uhr

ELA: A new Authority for European Labour

Verantwortlicher Autor: Carlo Marino Rome, 03.09.2018, 11:59 Uhr
Nachricht/Bericht: +++ Wirtschaft und Finanzen +++ Bericht 6805x gelesen

Rome [ENA] The European Labour Authority is expected to begin operating in 2019. There’s the need to provide for adequate funding which reflects the tasks set out in the regulation from the European Parliament and the Council setting up a European Labour Authority. That in order to ensure that sufficient financial resources are set aside for the Authority establishment. To the European Labour Authority will be delegated

administrative cooperation and mutual trust for a fair mobility in the Single Market, including the power of solving possible disputes between national authorities. It will combine existing tools for cross-border mobility to provide a one-stop shop for citizens, business and public authorities (EURES – the European job mobility portal, EU social security coordination, European Health Insurance Card, EU blue card, etc.). The Authority has to fight abuse of labour and social legislation and organize joint cross-border control activities.

It is going to put together existing agencies and structures to manage better cross-border and joint activities, for instance in terms of skills forecasting, health and safety at work, the management of restructuring and tackling undeclared work. The funding proposed by the Commission (EUR 11 million, appropriations are to be entered into the reserve until such time as the basic act is adopted by the legislator) for the European Labour Authority is of a lower magnitude than the one of other EU agencies in the area of employment and social affairs. This funding cannot be accomplished by redistributing allocations from the other employment and social affairs agencies.

Sustainable growth and investment is the key to the creation of decent jobs leading to quality employment as well as increased and shared prosperity for all. It is necessary to direct structural funds and investments more effectively towards promoting inclusive growth, reducing inequalities and boosting upward social convergence. The question of the European Labour Authority is strictly linked with 2019 budget which should contribute towards achieving the employment and social targets set out in Europe 2020 targets in the implementation of the Proclamation of the European Pillar of Social Rights and the 2030 Agenda for sustainable Development.

2019 budget cannot be understood outside the context of the 2014-2020 multiannual financial framework (MFF). Programming funds in the social and employment area shall create interactions to help reduce social divergences and inequalities that have been exacerbated by the crisis. Any reductions in the budget for these areas will only create problems for these policies to be effective and reach their targets. In the context of ongoing budgetary constraints the principle of European added value should represent the cornerstone of all future spending. A proper balance between commitment and payment appropriations must be found in order to allow these policies and the European Labour Authority to reach their full potential.

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